- To play is to appreciate, learn and explore -

“Play Further!” brings together musicians and composers around the globe to present a series of videos, seminars and masterclasses online. At the heart of this initiative is to showcase new works and foster collaborations. Taking place from May 2022, “Play Further!” aims to inspire and support creativity in the post-pandemic era.

Play Further! Video Series

An Online Contemporary Music Showcase

Presented by some of today’s most distinguished musicians, the series consist of new commissions and rarely recorded contemporary compositions.

The series is now available on PROJECT21st’s YouTube channel.

Click the artist photos below to read the interviews about the themes and ideas of their series.

Featured Artists

Composer Workshop with Jeanne-Marie Conquer and Johannes Schöllhorn

Five emerging composers were selected to work with Jeanne-Marie Conquer and Johannes Schöllhorn since 2020 to create five new works for solo violin, to be recorded by Jeanne-Marie Conquer, as part of the “Play Further!” video series.

Participating Composers:

Call-for-Score (Composition for Flute)

An international call-for-score for Mario Caroli was initiated in 2020, and have attracted 43 entries from over 20 countries. The winning work has been recorded by Mario Caroli, as part of the “Play Further!” video series.


Hinako Takagi | Lost in ___________


Tetsuya Yamamoto | Cascade et Nocturne
Alberto Rosas | Sonata Resurgir

Past Events


Online Seminar:

  • Composer Seminar 1:
    What You See: Ways of Perceiving the World through Music
    Speaker: Johannes Schöllhorn (Professor of Composition and Director of the Institute for New Music at the University of Music Freiburg)
    6 May 2022
    9pm HKT / 3pm CET

  • Composer Seminar 2:
    Burning a Closed Form: From Giordano Bruno to The Red Death
    Speaker: Francesco Filidei
    28 May 2022
    9pm HKT / 3pm CET

  • Lecture-Demonstration 1

    The Voice of Cello in the 21st Century

    Speaker: Francesco Dillon

    19 July 2022

    9pm HKT / 3pm CET

  • Lecture-Demonstration 2

    Contemporary Recorder

    Speaker: Tosiya Suzuki

    7 August 2022

    4pm HKT / 5pm JST / 10am CET


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